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I set out for my hike this last week, a little more resistant than usual. I have been training for training camp (HA! What a concept) and so a couple times a week I lug my 30lb backpack on to my back and set out for some steep hills around my house. Part of our training is a physical component and we have to hike 2.2 miles in 38 minutes, with our backpacks on (anywhere from 30-50lbs). I mapped out this route that was 2.2 miles and had some fairly steep hills to practice with. I slowly had been increasing the weight in my backpack and then worked on quickening my steps in hopes I would reach the cutoff time of 38 minutes. 


Needless to say, I have done this same route at least a dozen times in this last couple months and I started to find myself a little bored. Knowing everything to expect, knowing how long and steep the hill was and knowing how long it was going to take me, well frankly it just sounded boring. But knowing I needed to keep training and at least be exercising if nothing else, I finally got myself out of the house and went on my way. 


With a half mile down and what felt like forever to go, I finally reached the bottom of the hill and for the first time, noticed the hiking trail that was RIGHT next to it. I had just been walking on the street through the suburban neighborhood this whole time and because I was familiar with it, that’s the path I continued to stay on.


I think God also recognized my boredom and invited me to join Him along another path that day. I say invite because it sure felt like a choice. Sometimes I think God just whispers invitations to us just because he loves us and knows we might enjoy something. Either way I would have gotten the exercise I needed, this was not a life or death, or career changing choice. It was simply an invitation. 


Well, I chose the hiking path. Not knowing where it lead, how long it was, or even how safe it was, I just went. As I walked along I realized I had so many insecurities and trust issues with God and they were just spouting to the surface like a geyser. 


How long is this trail? What if it puts me in a completely different neighborhood and I still have to walk back? What if there are mountain lions, I have no weapons (lol like that would matter)? I have so many things I need to do today, what if this takes me too long? 


I had so many ‘what if’s’ running through my head I was pretty sure I was caught in a Dr. Seuss book. Then as if to try and reign those thoughts in, I started to just try to control my outcome and surroundings. 


Okay, well I’ll just walk a mile in and then turn around and walk a mile back. I’ll take this side path that looks like it leads back home. I’ll keep my headphones out to listen for wildlife (Okay this one was actually a good idea). 


Then through all of the chaos, I just heard the quiet whisper, 


But what if you just trust Me?


Well I don’t know God, that wasn’t one of my “what if’s”. But that’s the thing I’m clearly struggling with so okay, let’s give that a go. 


BUT it was not that easy. The thoughts didn’t just go away immediately. I had to actively combat them away, while trying to convince myself to just let go and trust God. Until finally, I just said, 


“Okay, I said yes to this path. I am trusting that You invited me to come here and I am trusting that You will bring me where I need to go. Wherever this path takes me, I will follow.”


Then I kept walking, looking around me, enjoying the beauty I had no idea was right next to me the entire time. I started to realize this whole situation was just like me saying yes to the World Race. I felt the invitation, I said yes, and then I am just having to trust that God will get me there. Whether its through the fundraising, the packing/preparation process, walking into the unknown, and giving up any and all expectations of what my life is supposed to be like, I am learning to trust God through all of it. When I notice I am starting to try and take control is exactly the moment I know I need to let go. 


A few moments after I had this realization, I finally looked up and saw that the end of the hiking path had dumped me out on a road, on top of the hill. 


The name of the road was Inspiration Drive. 


I am not making this up. I think I actually laughed out loud. I walked out of a path called Dry Creek, and straight onto Inspiration Drive, I about passed out from the irony. For the record, I don’t believe in coincidences. 


I rounded the corner and eventually found myself on top of the giant hill I normally walk up and found myself gasping for air. Not because of the lack of stamina, but because of the beauty that was in front of me. The view was absolutely breath taking. It’s the view I had my back to everyday trying to climb this mountain. 


I thought, This is what I’ve been missing?!


But then I also realized that if my heart hadn’t been in the right place to receive it, the value of this gift would be totally lost. I love giving gifts to those who appreciate them. I think God feels the same way about me. 


I continued to walk down the path on my way home and realized that with the direction I was going there was no way I would make it to my 2.2 miles for the day. But honestly at that point I was okay with it because I had had such an awesome experience beforehand. I crossed the street thinking it was the one I was supposed to turn on and quickly learned I went the wrong way. Well, more specifically, I just accidentally went the LONG way.


As I rounded the corner to come home I decided I wouldn’t look at my Fitbit until I reached the driveway. I hadn’t looked at it since 1.76 miles and when I finally made it home, stood in the middle of my driveway, and looked down at my Fitbit,


it read 2.2 miles exactly. 


That day I was reminded, God is good, He is faithful to fulfill his promises, He is trustworthy, and He doesn’t leave loose ends. He knew that I would make it in time, He knew I would be safe, and He knew I would love the adventure. He knows every aspect of my heart and is constantly asking me to take steps in my life to draw closer to Him. He never fails to remind me how much He has in store for me, and just invites me to trust Him. 


Like Aladdin asking Jasmine if she is willing to have a little faith in him, God wants to know whether we will choose Him, and whether we will trust Him to take us on an adventure of a lifetime. I’m pretty sure He has a big goofy grin on His face like that too. 


Who wouldn’t want to say yes to an invitation like that? 


I’m all in. 



2 responses to “Do You Trust Me?”

  1. Wow thank you for the kind words!!! Yes! You can absolutely come along 🙂 I’ll do you one better, I can take you next week and show you!

  2. Yes yes yes! Can I come along too?! This is BEAUTIFULLY written. Thank you for taking us along on this walk!! I want pictures of what your back has been to every day. Love this in so many imaginative ways than one!