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“Is this like the amazing race?” I have gotten this question a lot while explaining my next adventure coming up. Though I will be traveling around the world, my team will be bigger than 2, our mission is about people rather than time, and it will not be televised… unless maybe you count youtube. So in telling my friends and family about the World Race, here are answers to the most common questions I get! 


So What Exactly is The World Race?


The World Race is an 11 month missions trip to 11 different countries around the world. This exciting opportunity will let us be the hands and feet of Jesus while we travel the world, whether we are working with kids, teaching in schools, working in shelters, orphanages, or even planting farms or churches. We get to show up and say “How can we help?”. This may look different in each place we go to, but the purpose is always the same, to love people, and through that, show them the love of God. 


Where Will You Be Going? 


We will be visiting 11 countries in 11 months starting in West Africa, to South East Asia and then ending in South America. 


Cote d’ivoire






















Do You Have to Raise Money?


YES! The total I have to raise is $18,700. I will be doing a lot of different fundraising activities, but the easiest way to donate is on this blog page! You will see the donate button on the home page. This works similarly to a GoFundMe page, BUT unlike those other sites, ALL of what you donate will go directly to my World Race account, which is a non-profit organization-therefore tax deductible. 🙂 **see bottom of this blog.


What are Ways We can Help?


I’m glad you asked. 😉 

Support is not only important but a necessity on this trip and comes in all different shapes and sizes. The first thing to do would be to subscribe to this blog so you can get updates and follow my journey around the world. The next thing you can do is pray! It would mean the world to me to know people are praying for me back home and thinking about me throughout the year. Lastly, you can help me in my fundraising process! This can look all different ways but here are some ideas of how you can help below:


-Donate on the home page


-Participate in fundraising activities (i.e. things I am selling, events I host, etc.. COMING SOON)


-Sending me items from my Amazon Wish List(I.e.Packing gear, travel gear, etc.) (Will be updating this soon!) (You can send to 1750 prairie city road, suite 130-128, Folsom CA, 95630)


-Donate Frequent Flyer miles! ( Got some extra miles you wont use this year?? This could be a great way to donate! I have to purchase tickets to and from Georgia 3 times for training camp, and launch)


 However you are able to partner with me is greatly appreciated!!


This is a huge opportunity to show the love of God around the world that I am so beyond blessed and excited to partake in, and I am SO grateful to YOU for wanting to be apart of this journey as well! 


Please subscribe to this blog so you get updates all along the way and can follow me and my team around the world. 🙂 Plus you will be updated when I post my next blog which will be a little bit about me and why I chose to be apart of the World Race! 





**Adventures In Missions is a tax-exempt organization under IRS code 501(c)(3) and is a member of the ECFA. (Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability). Due to IRS and ECFA regulations governing the administration of tax deductible donations given in support of a particular trip/program, support contributions given on behalf of an individual will be used to offset the costs of the trip/program you are involved in. All contributions are non-refundable regardless of the participant’s success in completing the program.


One response to “What in the World is the World Race?!”

  1. Hey Jordan! I’m currently in Belize for month 8 of my Race. I found your blog and wanted to say that I’m SOOO excited for the journey you’ve chosen to say “yes” to, and if you need ANYTHING please feel free to email me!!! We have some overlapping countries, and the ones we have in common I’ve already been to. So if you have any questions about that too I’d love to help. GO JORDAN GO